Judy Malware May Be The Largest Malware Campaign On Google Play, Effecting Up To 36 Million Android Smartphones
WTAE News reports that 41 apps have just been removed from the Google Play store for being infected with malicious software being dubbed “Judy Malware”. Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. is calling the Judy Malware “possibly the largest campaign found on Google Play”, with up to 36.5 million Android smartphones potentially being infected.
Just because it’s on Google Play or the Apple Store doesn’t mean it’s safe. This isn’t the first time for something like Judy Malware, and it is not surprising – both Google and Apple have been known to miss security flaws in their vetting processes.
While both IOS and Android are reasonably secure out of the box, it’s best to only install what you really need, and to stick with apps from very well-known firms. In cyber security, this is known as “attack surface reduction”. In the end, it’s best to only install the software you really need, this will help prevent a smartphone from getting Judy Malware or anything similar that may come along.