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Stronghold Cyber Security is a veteran-owned cyber security company located near historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania that provides cutting-edge security services to businesses throughout the country. Service offerings include regulatory compliance, penetration testing, advanced cyber risk management, along with customized cyber security programs.

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Forbes: WannaCry Ransomware Infected Actual Medical Devices In American Hospitals

Forbes: WannaCry Ransomware Infected Actual Medical Devices In American Hospitals

Forbes is reporting that an images of an infected Bayer medrad device has been infected with the ransomware known as WannaCry.  The hospital’s location has not been indicated.

A Bayer spokesperson confirmed it had received two reports from customers in the U.S. with devices hit by the ransomware, but would not say which specific products were affected. “Operations at both sites were restored within 24 hours,” the spokesperson added. “If a hospital’s network is compromised, this may affect Bayer’s Windows-based devices connected to that network.”


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