Stronghold Cyber Security featured in My TechDecisions Podcast Interview
Recent interview in podcast form by Jonathan Blackwood of My TechDecisions, interviewing founder and CEO Jason McNew. Topics discussed is the need for a cyber security plan in private enterprise, tips businesses can use in order to create their own “culture of security”, as well as what Stronghold Cyber Security can bring to the table.
Jason and I speak about all of the considerations of cyber security for the commercial end user. He outlines the importance of having a cyber security plan, testing as often as possible, following the right guidelines, and more.
We also go in depth into what end users should include in an RFP when building or enhancing their cyber security technology. Jason stresses the importance of being up front, revealing the good, the bad, and the ugly of your system and services (after signing an NDA of course), and being clear about the IT provider’s role in training and developing drills for the whole company on cyber security best practices.
After listening to this interview you’ll better understand the necessities of cyber security for any organization, and you’ll be equipped to include all of the information you need in RFPs and discussions with your IT provider.
Direct link to interview done by Jonathan Blackwood of My TechDecisions