Stronghold Cyber Security CEO Heads To Capitol Hill To Advocate For Blockchain Technology
This week, Jason McNew, founder and CEO of Stronghold Cyber Security, joins the CompTIA DC Fly-In to advocate for blockchain technology on Capitol Hill during the association’s annual fly-in to Washington, D.C. CompTIA, the Computing Technology Industry Association, through its advocacy arm, champions member-driven business and IT priorities that impact all information technology companies – from small managed solutions providers and software developers to large internet companies, equipment manufacturers, and communications service providers.
As a CompTIA DC Fly-In participant, McNew, who currently sits on CompTIA’s Channel Advisory Board (CAB), will meet with Congressional representatives to discuss the potential of blockchain technology as it relates to identity protection, as well as many other broad uses across the cyber security space.
An entirely new identity system, based on blockchain technology, will need to be developed. Americans as individuals are going to be stuck defending themselves against assaults on their PII (Personally Identifiable Information), as well as their credit cards and other financial data thanks to breaches such as the Equifax catastrophe. It has been said that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and the same is true of privacy. Protecting your personal and financial information requires constantly monitoring your accounts – personally. Until we get a new identity system based on blockchain, Americans are stuck with the existing, fundamentally insecure system.